Saturday, May 10, 2008

Big Bear

Today we went up to Big Bear Lake to mountain bike, kayak, and fish.  Well, we didn't end up fishing but we had fun doing the rest.  Here I am with Mosey taking a break. 

That is my mom's trailer.  She always goes biking with Pierre (her pug) in the back.  Mosey stays back there too because he can't be trusted to stay next to us while we are ....... well, doing anything.

Today also marks the first day that Mosey swam on purpose.  :]  Jason and I were going to take our turns on the kayaks so my mom was holding Mosey's leash on shore.  We went off and when we came back, my mom says he was bounding and bounding in the water and finally he was over his head so he swam.  Jason and I wanted to see for ourselves so we tried to make him do it again.  That is when my mom got this cute video.  

1 comment:

  1. Mosey is the cutest. He's swimming so hard, but not getting anywhere. I almost died. So funny.
