Today Jason and I, Jason's brothers Chad and Matt, and their wives, Holly and Michelle, arrived in Glasgow, Scotland. After leaving the airport we headed to a vegetarian restaurant I had scouted out in the guidebook. We had our first taste of Irn Bru (a very Scottish soda apparently) then got in the car and started driving north. My name wasn't on the rental car driving list so I will be spared driving this whole vacation. Which is fine by me! About 7 years ago, I had to learn to drive stick shift on these same roads chauffeuring my two drunk friends around. I have no need to relive those sweaty-palmed terror-ridden lurching drives through roundabouts in the dead of night.....
On the way up, we stopped at a couple picturesque towns with castles but mostly hurried to the castle that we would be calling home for the next two nights. Muckrach Castle in Moray.
Jason, Me, Chad, Holly, Michelle, and Matt in front of Muckrach Castle upon our arrival. |
It is very well kept inside and we are quite happy! After arriving, we drove into the nearby town to have supper at the local pub. It was a very friendly experience with GOOD food! Some locals told us to watch out for the castle's ghost. We intend to do so.
Jason used 12 minutes of his life on this capture alone. Worth it? I say yes! |
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