Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Here they are...

So I got a week to go up to Bend to celebrate Jason's mom's birthday. I celebrated my mom's birthday right before I left but since none of us were avid photographers, I don't have much documenting the good time I had with my mom and co. But I have lots of pictures in Bend. So enjoy!

Here is a silly picture of us. Jason looks funny becuase they used a wide angle lens.

We went to a lake and I took my nieces on a wave runner ride.

We were coming back from a movie when we drove past this strange modern pirate man. And realized it was Jason's step-dad........

We drove part of the way home along Highway 1 from Seaside to San Louis Obispo. Here are some particularly beautiful shots.

We stopped at a beach along the way to dip our feet in the sand and what do you suppose we saw lurching it's way towards us but this scary monster! So we ran back to the car after documenting the strange beast to send to unidentifiedmonsters.com.

Just kidding, we stopped just to see this elephant seal and I don't know if there even is such a website.
We are back home now and very happy to be unpacking and cleaning our house.... sigh.


  1. Even more amazing pictures! Your blog is a pleasure to read. The modern pirate man looks very piratey, elephant seal looks really fat and gross, and you and Jason look amazing as always. Even with the wide angle lens!

  2. Wow - that wide angle thingy makes you guys look even skinnier - I need one of them...:D Thanks for sharing your fun pics!

  3. oh the drive up the coast! it's so beautiful isn't it?! we just did that last month from somewhere in central cali up to monterrey! i documented our journey on my blog too!

  4. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Do I detect an all-knowing, mischievous look on your face, Larissa, in that wide-angle photo?

    Thank you for the little peak into your beautiful life.

    Love, prayers, and hugs.

  5. Anonymous1:37 AM

    I notice that you did not mention HOW OLD YOUR MOTHER's are! Well, I just realized that after your next birthdays and before ours, we will both be half as old as both of you! Cool, huh?


  6. Anonymous1:38 AM

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOps! I meant "we will both be TWICE as old as you!" Little Fruedian slip there : )
