Sunday, December 11, 2005

I like movies...

Last night we all went to see "Chronicles of Narnia". I have never read the book "The lion, the witch and the wardrobe" but I remember listening to it on audio tape at a daycare I went ot when I was about 4. Of course I didn't remember anything about it but I do remember hearing it once. ANYWAY.

It was a very good movie. It truly was a kids movie. I don't think I saw any blood. Except on some of the characters faces but just drip here and there. There are some people who put this movie in the same category with Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I really don't know what they are thinking. This movie is so obviously an allegory that it can't really be called anything else.

The lion represents Jesus. For some reason, this movie made more of an impression on me than "The Passion of the Christ". It is odd, but it is easier for me to believe that a lion is loving and forgiving than to beleive that a human is. There was such power in that lion and yet so much love. I know that is what the Bible says God/Jesus is but I can't imagine a more appropriate figure to represent him than a lion.

Well, sorry this review has been so disjointed and rambling. I would go see this movie if I were you.


  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Okay! I will go see the movie!
    But you have to come and go with me...Mahi

  2. Anonymous4:09 PM

    We saw it on Saturday night too. I loved it. I used to watch the original movies when I was little and Justin and I are in the process of reading the whole series right now. This movie was pretty close to the book...with some added adventure. But I totally agree with you about feeling more moved by it than the "Passion". I think they did a great job on this movie and I would recommend it too!

  3. Anonymous3:50 AM

    I don't know, alagories usually oversimplify things in order to make an idea palatable to those who are afraid of getting into a subject with any depth. That always pisses me off, especially when it's about a religion.

    "Come join OUR religion! Its so simple and inspiring, just like this movie!"

    Although I guess that connection won't neccesarily be readily apperant since it wasn't like Hollywood producers said "Let's find a way to get the Christian idea out there in an easily understandable and compelling form!" More likely it was "Quick! What book to movie adaptations can make us as much money as Lord of the Rings?"

  4. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Oh, btw, I recently went back and commented on several of your old blogs. I'm not sure if it notifies you, so I thought I would, hehe. Make sure you read them as I'd hate to think my wit has been wasted :p

  5. Allegories do oversimplify things but I dunno, I think this one helps one with the underlying ideas of christianity (the ones that are more important at least).

    Yeah, I was surprised because this is a DISNEY movie! So, it probably was just a way to make more money. I am going to be dissapointed if someone comes out with the report that they found DILDO written in the ice queen's crown or something..... :]

  6. I love the cheesy old Wonderworks version so much, I'm almost afraid to see this one. But then again, I thought she same thing about Pride and Prejudice and I loved the new one.

    I could be wrong, but I always thought that C.S. Lewis wrote The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe for his goddaughter, whose name I think was Lucy. So while it may be an allegory, it's also a children's story. I've read the book and can see that there are religious aspects, but maybe it was geared more towards illustrating the story of salvation for kids while entertaining them at the same time more than it is an effort to be a deep spiritual commentary.

  7. Thanks for the add! I did the same for you!

  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Lol, dildo...

    You know what a Dildo is Larissa? Obviously I haven't been protecting you from the world enough :p

  9. Yeah, I think you are right Lindsey. Maybe allegory isn't the right word because there sure were plenty of things that didn't have symbolism or fit into the story of Jesus. But it definitely explained the story of salvation while entertaining so...that is why I think you are right

  10. You may be watching big bro but obviously you aren't doing anything about what you see since I know what a dildo is!! tsk tsk. :]

  11. Guys, it's spelled Bilbo. With b's not d's.

    And I think that movie was rad! For the record, allegory and analogy are the best ways to teach a lesson. You know, parables...
