Saturday, July 06, 2013

July's Habit: Early to Bed, Early to Rise...

..makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.  Says Ben Franklin.  Well, I guess what works for him will work for me.  This habit started out as just going to bed early.  I've found that I am so desperate for 'me time' after the girls go to sleep that I end up staying awake until after midnight.  I surf the internet, get things done, catch up on TV shows.  But mostly I surf the internet.  Then I am grumpy when my very reasonable baby wakes me up in the morning.

This month I have decided I will be in bed with the lights off and the phone down by 10:30pm.  My alarm will be set for 7:30am at which I time I will wake up.  Jason says that at this point, many of you moms out there will be rolling your eyes.  You probably get up earlier than this already.  Between the two of them, my girls get me up any where between 7:30 and 9:30am.  I am lucky, I know.  When I don't have to set an alarm and I have no interruptions, I usually wake up 9 hours later.  So I figured I would give myself that window of time.  So far this month, I have been getting up on time with one exception, but going to bed a little later than my goal.  I am hoping that writing this will help me stick with it.  I don't plan on being a party pooper.  If we have people over or are out having fun, I'm not going to just race to bed as soon as 10:30 rolls around.

I'd like to get some of my goals done in the morning if I can.  I have started journaling before I get out of bed.  Then on my workout days, I do that as early as possible too.  Man, I feel puh-retty good about myself when I get all that done before the girls wake up!  I may try getting up earlier once I get the hang of going to bed at 10:30.  We will see how I feel.

The reward for this success this month is just more time to get things done and hopefully being less irritable.

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