Tuesday, August 06, 2013

July's End: I Suck

No I am not full of self loathing.  But I am a bit disappointed in myself for not sticking to my new habit much at all last month.  There were some extenuating circumstances but for the most part it was just laziness and/or distractions.  I am all for doing what works however, so I have decided to change things around to see if I can do better with a different schedule.  11pm is the time to beat.  And 7am is my wake up call.  We will see if that works better.

I have also fallen off the bandwagon on my other habits too.  I met my water goal only half the days of the month, I took one week off working out, I missed journaling about half the days as well.  Let look at this in a more positive light though.

I drank a lot more water than I otherwise would have!
I worked out regularly for 3 whole weeks!
I journaled a lot more than I did last year at this time!
I got up earlier this month in general than I usually do!

See that?  I'm awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    You are awesome!!! That is a whole lot of doing, besides your everyday stuff that you almost have to do!!
