Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Show Off
Every time that Jason or I come home, Mosey is ecstatic. He does this cute happy growl and runs to find his nearest toy to "show us". Today I got home and one of the kitchen cupboards was open. When I greeted Mosey he very happily showed me a 100 calorie cheeto bag.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Puggle = snuggle
Monday, April 28, 2008
Eating Artichokes....
So Jason, my mom and I ate our artichokes tonight. Yes I did get the biggest one because I am the most selfish. We picked them on Friday and ate them today. They were really good. Really meaty and rich and the heart was as big as my palm. We dip them in melted butter with parmesan and garlic. My family used to dip them in mayo (except for me, I ate them plain) until Danelle, Jason's cousin, made this dip. We've never gone back. Yum!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Adventure Race
While I graded papers in the shade and babysat the dogs, my mom participated in an adventure race. Basically you orienteer, paddle, bike, and run. It looked like a lot of fun. I want to do the next one with her. It will probably be awhile though because it is starting to get too hot. It is in the 90's today. Luckily, she started early. Anyway, here she is crossing the finish line!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Today Jason, Jesse, Louisa, I went to a matinee of "Expelled" with Ben Stein. It is a great movie and has been getting rave reviews by everyone but the movie critics. Actually, on rotten, it has gotten 0.0 stars by the critics. This is interesting because this movie is about all the gatekeepers in academia, the media and courts that have tried to silence the questions that are raised by the intelligent design believing scientists. This rating really shows how true the movie is..... :] Anyway, this movie doesn't prove evolution or intelligent design and it wasn't created to do that. I was going to take a picture in the theater but I forgot..... Here is a picture of the website....
I thought just having a picture of my computer screen in lame so I will also include a picture Jason took of Mosey and I today. Don't be fooled. Mosey was being a bad dog, and I was really angry at him. Isn't that how all family pictures happen?
I thought just having a picture of my computer screen in lame so I will also include a picture Jason took of Mosey and I today. Don't be fooled. Mosey was being a bad dog, and I was really angry at him. Isn't that how all family pictures happen?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Artichoke Harvest
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Michael Medved Luncheon
Today Michael Medved was in town to do a live radio show. He is a conservative talk show host and author. I listen to his show whenever I can. He has about half the viewers that Rush has. Rush has 6 millions listeners a day. The great thing about Michael is that he is so logical yet nice and understanding. He really gives people who call in a chance to argue and listens to them completely. Anyway, I asked a question live on air (yikes! 3 million people heard me!) and I got him to sign a book. He wrote "With great respect to my fellow Sabbath observing, non-carnivore" -He is a Jew and I am a Seventh Day Adventist- If you have the chance you really should listen to his show even if you are liberal. I think anyone who does will really respect him and his intelligence. After all, he used to be a liberal activist himself.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Reagan Library and Griffith Observatory
Today our entire school went on a field trip. Some of us went to Body Worlds and some of us went to the Reagan Library. Since I have already seen Body Worlds, I headed up the group that went to the Library. Then the two groups met up at the Griffith Observatory. Below, I am standing by the Air Force One that is in the Reagan Library. It is in a beautiful area and the plane is awesome. I am sure the modern one is much cooler but I bet this plane was amazing back in the day.
Here is a picture of most of the students and faculty and staff of our school in front of the Griffith. A very beautiful place! You should visit here too! As you can see above, you can get a really great view of the Hollywood sign.
Here is where President Reagan is buried. I think that the quote on the wall kind of sums up what Reagan truly believed and lived in his presidency. I think it is why he was so loved. I think that we could use that kind of optimism.
Here is a pictures of me outside of the Griffith. I wish I had brought my better camera....
Here is a picture of most of the students and faculty and staff of our school in front of the Griffith. A very beautiful place! You should visit here too! As you can see above, you can get a really great view of the Hollywood sign.
I know that this is a lot more than 1 picture but I couldn't choose!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Naughty Dog
Mosey was not so cute today. Right after we watered the lawn, he dug a huge hole without me knowing and excitedly ran through the living room, banking on the couch and sprinting toward the bed. When I finally caught him, it took me 5 minutes to get all the mud off his paws. I won't tell you how long it took me to get the mud off everything else..... Here he is contemplating the error of his ways (notice the mud print.. it didn't show up as messy as it really was).
Monday, April 21, 2008
Mosey Portrait
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
My Birthday
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My Year Long Photo Journal
Hello Everyone!
I have decided to record my 26th year on Earth by keeping a daily photo log. The photos will be added to this blog for a year. I will start taking picture on my birthday April 18, 2008. So enjoy!
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