Saturday, April 26, 2008


Today Jason, Jesse, Louisa, I went to a matinee of "Expelled" with Ben Stein. It is a great movie and has been getting rave reviews by everyone but the movie critics. Actually, on rotten, it has gotten 0.0 stars by the critics. This is interesting because this movie is about all the gatekeepers in academia, the media and courts that have tried to silence the questions that are raised by the intelligent design believing scientists. This rating really shows how true the movie is..... :] Anyway, this movie doesn't prove evolution or intelligent design and it wasn't created to do that. I was going to take a picture in the theater but I forgot..... Here is a picture of the website....

I thought just having a picture of my computer screen in lame so I will also include a picture Jason took of Mosey and I today. Don't be fooled. Mosey was being a bad dog, and I was really angry at him. Isn't that how all family pictures happen?

1 comment:

  1. Apparently it's been a few days already, but welcome back to blogging! 'Great picture of you and your pup.
