Thursday, April 24, 2008

Michael Medved Luncheon

Today Michael Medved was in town to do a live radio show.  He is a conservative talk show host and author.  I listen to his show whenever I can.  He has about half the viewers that Rush has.  Rush has 6 millions listeners a day.  The great thing about Michael is that he is so logical yet nice and understanding.  He really gives people who call in a chance to argue and listens to them completely.  Anyway, I asked a question live on air (yikes! 3 million people heard me!) and I got him to sign a book.   He wrote "With great respect to my fellow Sabbath observing, non-carnivore"  -He is a Jew and I am a Seventh Day Adventist-  If you have the chance you really should listen to his show even if you are liberal.  I think anyone who does will really respect him and his intelligence.  After all, he used to be a liberal activist himself.  

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. Sounds like you are definitely keeping up with current events/politics, something I need to do more of! I need to decide which country I hold true to and go with it...haha
