Monday, April 28, 2008

Eating Artichokes....

So Jason, my mom and I ate our artichokes tonight.  Yes I did get the biggest one because I am the most selfish.  We picked them on Friday and ate them today.  They were really good. Really meaty and rich and the heart was as big as my palm.  We dip them in melted butter with parmesan and garlic.  My family used to dip them in mayo (except for me, I ate them plain) until Danelle, Jason's cousin, made this dip.  We've never gone back.  Yum!!


  1. you have been blogging like crazy!! i'm still trying to really get back into it. i haven't hardly blogged all year. that pup sure is getting cute though!

  2. Anonymous9:58 PM

    hehe i think you were a creative force in the choke dip. we had some artichoke orgies in our college days didn't we.
