Monday, September 15, 2008

Arbonne Experiment

I received a shipment of Arbonne today.  As you may know, I am a consultant.  Mostly because I like the products and want a discount on them.  My mom also uses it so I got a big order today with stuff that she had ordered as well as a couple things for me.  I love getting packages!

Here is everything unpacked!  

We also decided to do an experiment on my mom's arms.  She just got back from a 200+ mile bike ride and got a lot of freckles and sun damage on her arms as a result.  She is using Arbonne's Nutrimen C Re9 Body Serum and Lotion on her right arm and leg and regular lotion on her left every morning and night.  I plan to take a picture every two weeks or so to see the difference if any.  It is too bad that I can't get a better shot than below.  I need one of those professional macro lenses.  Anyway, here are her arms before.

So, if you want to see what cool products Arbonne has, you can look at them at and order them from me.  :]


  1. Hmmmm... what do they have in the way of treatments for acne scars?

  2. Well, for acne, they have Clear Advantage. And for the scarring many people use the NutriMinC Re9 face stuff. Here is a before and after picture. :]

  3. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Please remove that hideous arms picure... It's my bad side. Not only that, but I think one of my both arms are the same!

