Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Worst Ever

Razor burn. I haven't nicked myself or had razor burn for years. This must have made me feel invincible though because today I did something stupid. I threw on a skirt, was about to rush out the door when I noticed I hadn't shaved for awhile. So I ran to the bathroom, wet my razor, splashed some water on my leg and went to work. This was the result. I dunno, do you think the hair or rash would have been more obnoxious?


  1. Ouch -- I'm sorry!

  2. Anonymous9:24 PM

    My sentiments exactly: OUCH!! Maybe the razor burn looks better than the excess stubble would have - at least you tried, and that counts for something!!

  3. Eeech. I know that feeling way too well... what misery!

  4. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Personally, I would go with the stubble, or actually, just wear pants. Mahi
