Today was that day that many people at work have been looking forward to. Today, our first two students were granted OPT. Basically, it means that they can stay here and work as nurses for one year. It has been a long road to get our school and our program to this point but here we are!
We played a slightly mean trick on one of the approved students. Called her into the president's office where all, and I mean ALL, the faculty and staff were gathered. We all kept very serious faces and the president slowly began, "We have called you into my office because, well, I will let Mrs. Hamel tell you..."
That was my cue to say, "Well, we have some very serious information for you. We just received word today that you have .............. been approved for OPT!!!!!!" Then we all jumped out of our chairs and started cheering.
To celebrate, we grabbed everyone still hanging around and went to Red Robin.

Here am I, the Program Chair; Julie, who did all the paperwork and processing for the OPTs; and Natty, the student we played the trick on.

Ahhhh, feels so good to have something to tell the students that they won't glare at me for...