Today I gave a speech on the first female physcian. Elizabeth Blackwell. How come I never knew that before? I mean, I am going into medicine. Kind of. And I am a woman. Ya know, there aren't that many things that you can say "The first male..." about and that is really too bad. No body thought anything of it when men did something like become a blacksmith (unless he invented blacksmithing or something). That is really too bad. People just expected men to do stuff so they never recorded it. When women, or other minorities do something, it is well documented. I suppose their are always exceptions to that. Anyway...
Elizabeth Blackwell is an intensely interesting character. I wouldn't reccomend using her as an informative speech topic though because there is SO much information to cover. And you want to include most of it because it is all so interesting. You could write a very good paper on her though. I would reccomend her autobiographies. She has a very interesting writing style and kept extensive journals. This is a picture of her late in life.
Speaking of speeches. Argh! I don't mind making speeches, it is writing them that KILLS me! Up until I am actually standing in front of the room speaking, I am convinced that I am going to flunk the stupid speech. Luckily that hasn't happened yet. I actually usually end up doing just fine. I do know that a much better speech can come out of the material I am speaking on and that is why I think I am going to do bad. Oh, well.
What a fox!