Monday, October 10, 2005

Photo tour?

Today my fiance and I went on a photo tour. We are on break for a couple days and we have a nice new camera. We also sell our photos online at I have already made $4.30!!! wooohoo!

Anyway, what was supposed to be a 'photo tour' turned into a 'drive along Lake Michigan looking for streets that are on our map' tour. I had printed out a driving route from the internet that was supposed to be good but mostly it was just small towns that used to be something but are now overrun by sculptors. I like small towns though so we had some good times! We stopped at a Swedish Bakery and bought a cranberry muffin and some apple strudel. So that we wouldn't get powdered sugar everywhere, we stopped at the beach to eat.

Here is me biting into the Swedish treat. Yummy! For those of you who haven't seen Lake Michigan, here is a picture of me on the shore of it.

It is actually quite beautiful! I never would have expected this in Michigan but I really think there are a lot of parts of Michigan that are extremely unique and scenic. Lake Michigan is cool because it is a beach with sand and waves but no salt!! And it freezes over in the winter! Crazy!

Well, I didn't really get any pictures to sell on istock but I got some to put on my blog! All in all it was a good experience. I would suggest exploring an area near you that has always been there but you just never made the time to go. It is especially fulfilling if you get lost a couple times!

Its official, I beat my last online record of three posts. Congratulations are in order.

By the way, when I spellchecking my post, it wanted me to replace 'blog' with 'bloc'. How is it possible that this blog site doesn't know its own name?


  1. Hey thanks for posting on my blog! I like your blog, too by the way. Bob is a great mutual friend to have, is he not? I saw you have the funny med school blog on your favorites. Don't you love that guy? He cracks me up.

  2. Anonymous12:17 AM

    That picture with the "Swedish treat" is vaguely disturbing...

  3. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Heh, Big Brother literally said...

    I use too many "..."

  4. Yeah, Bob is great! And yeah, that med school guy is hilarious! Makes me wonder about doctors though... :]

  5. jeez big bro, go easy on the "..."'s. Makes me wonder exactly what you are leaving out...?

    Yeah, from the picture I look like I am biting into a big blown up cell. Complete with the plasma membrane and mitochondria. gack! It was really good though.

  6. That's a sweet picture of Lake Michigan. You know, the one behind the Swedish.

  7. And thanks Larissa and Lindsey. You guys rock!

  8. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Actually, "..." is used to show a dramatic pause, not to infer that I cut part of my own statement out for brevity, although that would probably be a good idea in most cases.
