Monday, May 19, 2008

Tapioda Puddin'

That is what my family has begun calling it for some reason.  I made some the other day.  Yummm!  There is nothing like homemade tapioca pudding.  Emphasis on the homemade.  If you haven't tasted homemade tapioca pudding, you haven't tasted tapioca.  Sorry to be snottish...  Anyway, this time I ran out of milk and still needed just a little more for the recipe....  So I used a couple cups of soy milk.  I know this to be a bad idea from previous experience, but I had no other choice.  It actually turned out pretty good!  In fact, Jason really liked it and kept asking for more which NEVER happens with sweet things (with a few exceptions).  This time I put Costco frozen berries on top.  SO good!


  1. I love tapioca pudding! I think soy milk tastes better than real, but it does change the consistency. You've inspired me to make some soon! :)

  2. Nice!

    I didn't know people still read my blog! Thanks!

  3. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Family history 101: The reason your family called it Tapioda was because that's how you said it when you were little. And lellellow and pillillow... My little cutie! Who is the idiot that sent you to a speech pathologist? I liked it when you said, "My name is Lewissa" "No, LeWIssa!" You were SO CUTE! Mahi
