Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Rant

To all the snotty "playground moms" at Loma Linda small dog park:

For the last 5 months, I have been bringing my puppy to play with your dogs.  By all the regulars, Mosey has been treated with nothing but disgust.  I am sorry that he has so much more energy than your dogs and that he actually wants to play with them.  A word from the wise: Mosey cannot understand English, therefore all your petty little comments do not actually hurt him, but me.  I know that you are trying to get back at all the cliquish girls that picked on you in high school by being the same way as adults, but I was never one of those girls. 

To the lady who screamed at Mosey when he wanted to play with her yappy little brat dog:

If your dog can't handle a puppy running in circles near him, you had better just parade your dog somewhere else.

To the woman tonight who warned new people coming into the park to stay away from Mosey because he has "been attacking other dogs":

Your 50 lbs dog has been growlingly pinning my 20 lbs dog by his neck every time that we come to the park, and I have always graciously said that I didn't mind.  How about showing that same respect when my 20 lbs dog gets rough with another 20 lbs dog.  

A tip to all of you self-righteous dog freaks at the Loma Linda small dog park:

If you don't want my dog to play with your dog, don't kick or hit my dog, PICK YOUR DOG UP.

Mosey and I get the hint, we will never grace your lawn again.     


  1. Look at that sweet face! Who could resist?

    What b*t*hy people! It's almost as bad as when parents get involved with their 2nd graders fight with a friend, and tell the other parent to back off.

    Sorry you and Mosey are being so mistreated and unappreciated!

  2. Glad you got that off your chest!

  3. I'm SO impressed that you did this without swearing. Not that I'd expect you to swear, but I'd have a hard time not using a few choice words. Anyway, it did remind me of a playground or school where everyone thinks their kids are the smartest, best, and most underappreciated. Grow up, people. I hope you find a new place to go with Mosey where people will appreciate his cuteness and puppy energy.

  4. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Poor little Mosey : ( Just as sad to think about is the "high intensity" children that get treated like that by other kids, by other kids parents, and by their teachers. Not all teachers are like that. Some are really nice, but for the rest of you, please read the book "All Children Flourishing" by Howard Glasser. He hasn't written one for dogs yet, but I'll ask him to get right on that! Poor little Mosey...

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    You should train him to draw blood... NOW who's stupid, little yappy dog!

  6. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Yes! to all of the above comments!!
